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Cyber Security Training Market Regaining Its Glory: Optiv, Fortinet, FireEye, Kaspersky

The Cyber Security Training Market is on the rise, with companies like Optiv, Fortinet, FireEye, and Kaspersky leading the way. As organizations prioritize protecting their data and systems from cyber threats, these companies are seeing increased demand for their training services. The market is expected to continue growing as cybersecurity remains a top priority for businesses around the world.

NSCS takes charge of cybersecurity oversight in India

The National Cyber Security Coordinator (NSCS) has been given the responsibility of overseeing cybersecurity in India. This move aims to strengthen the country's defense against cyber threats and enhance coordination among various agencies. The NSCS will work closely with government departments, law enforcement agencies, and industry stakeholders to ensure the safety and security of India's digital infrastructure.

Georgia Cybersecurity Companies

A list of Georgia cybersecurity companies has been compiled by the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG). The list includes companies specializing in areas such as threat intelligence, data protection, and secure communications. These companies play a critical role in protecting businesses and individuals from cyber threats. The cybersecurity industry in Georgia continues to grow, with many companies offering innovative solutions to combat cyber attacks.